The constitution fixes the problem of the articles of confederation by providing for checks and balances and separation of powers.
The separation of powers consists in the assignment of government functions to different bodies. These bodies are classified into Legislative, Executive and Judiciary.
Republic opposes tyrannical, despotic, autocratic and absolutist forms of government. In this sense, at first, the monarchy in the weak sense is not opposed to the republic in the strong sense. Republicanism is a theory about the strong sense of the republic.
Richard the Lion heart led an English army, but he and his fellow kings failed to drive Arabs from Jerusalem. Saladin and Richard the Lionheart are two names that tend to dominate the Crusades.
Hope that helps. From what I can remember
A. The Enlightenment's emphasis on reason was in contrast to superstition and traditional beliefs. The Scientific Revolution had shown that there are natural laws in place in the physical world and in the universe at large. Applying similar principles to matters like government and society, using reason will guide us to the best ways to operate politically so as to create the most beneficial conditions for society.
B. Locke's ideal was one that promoted individual freedom and equal opportunity for all. Each individual's well-being (life, health, liberty, possessions) should be served by the way government and society are arranged.
C. Locke's ideals ARE a model for our country today ... or perhaps I should say Locke's ideals are the model on which our country, the United States, was founded. We may want to study some of Locke's political thought to keep our country focused in that direction. Ever since 9-11 and subsequent fears of terrorism, as a nation sometimes we've tended to follow more so the ideas of Thomas Hobbes (a predecessor of Locke), who focused on security as the primary national concern. Locke's focus always was on liberty as the dominant goal.
Discuss Alexander Hamilton's economic/financial policy ideas for the new government. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's ideas of the purpose of government and his political philosophy. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's three reports, the policies advocated in each, and the results of his overall program. How did this affect developments of constitutional interpretation? What did this have to do with the developing political parties? What did this have to do with securing the nation?
<span> 1854, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed and became law.