1) Personal Scrapbook
A picture of what junior prom dresses looked like...
Ticket stub from Titanic
2) Corporate Business Records
Vote from a shareholders meeting...
Graph showing net profits and losses...
3) Government Census Data
The population of the three largest cities...
The number of citizens under age 18....
4) University Archives
Publications by English Department faculty....
Alumni Association bylaws...
workers unions- to get at least a certain wage
labor strikes
labor laws
Primary sources told an account of what actually happened because they were recorded from the actual event itself/saw the actual event
secondary sources (like our textbooks) arent 100% accurate because they are based off of the primary sources
People who deny that God exists may give several reasons for their unbelief. For example, they may say they reject God because they can’t understand why He doesn’t do something about all the evil in the world. Or they may say they’re turned off by the hypocrisy of Christians