A nerve net is any plexus of neurons lying in the periphery and so connected as to provide a diffuse conduction system, i.e., one in which conduction can take place in any direction and in which many alternative routes exist between any two points. They are entirely distinct and nowhere structurally continuous with any other fiber.
Germany didn't have much of a choice. They couldn't carry on fighting and the Powers were going the attack them if she didn't take responsibility even though they weren't the sole cause pf the war.
Since world war ii, GATT has brought together a wide range of nations for regular negotiations designed to reduce barriers to trade. <span> The </span>GATT<span> was a trade treaty implemented to boost economic recovery.</span><span> The primary purpose of </span>GATT<span> was to increase international trade. Hope this answers the question.</span>
Many researchers have found the evolution of the eye attractive to study because the eye distinctively exemplifies an analogous organ found in many animal forms. Simple light detection is found in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants and animals. Complex, image-forming eyes have evolved independently several times