For well-off white professionals who were part of the Progressive movement, Keene writes, taking an interest in the war in Europe was part of becoming “citizens of the world.” Some of them formed the Committee for Relief in Belgium (CRB). True to the technocratic orientation of Progressivism, they tackled the problem of helping civilians in German-occupied areas in practical terms, negotiating with both Germany and Britain to allow shipments of food and clothing past their military forces.
Financial problem, non-availability of resources and less number of trained people.
The problems the nation’s leaders are facing is that the financial problem due to less development in the industrial sectors, non-availability of resources to dug out minerals from their soil and less number of trained people.
In my opinion, the underdeveloped nation should join the regional intergovernmental organization in order to better their economic condition as well to grow and progress like other developed nation.
If the country installed more industries so it can achieve better economy and has the capability to dug out minerals from the soil and also enable to train more people by providing educational facilities.
Are you sure your question is correct? Because it is not chronologically logic. The implementation of the phoenician alphabet happened around 200 years after the collapse of the Bronze Age (c.a. 1200-1100 BC).
The collapse of the Bronze Age was one of the causes for the creation and success of Phoenician commerce, activity by which this civilization is famous for. It is not clear why, but around 1200 BC many civilizations ended abruptly. This vacuum of power created a new independence for many cities which made possible a new commerce system. Phoenicians traded with Mesopotamians, Greeks, and Egyptians. They had trading routes that reached Spain, the Atlantic Ocean and Britain. Trading lead to intercultural exchanges, so Phoenicians knew many types of writing, which they simplified to create their own alphabet (c.a. 1000 BC) based on sounds instead of symbols.
The Phoenician alphabet was used to organize their colonies and trading contacts on the Mediterranean region. As this alphabet was simpler, writing was no longer limited to clergymen or scribes. It also influenced Greek alphabet which inspired the latter roman alphabet.
Explanation:I do not know
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