C-50% long 50% medium 0% short
They help work together because when the heart pmps blood through the body and the cells flow through the blood non stop its like a barrier of protection
the koala lives in the forest Australia has no forests they all burnt down
autsomsal means that it is not x-linked/ realted to gametes. Dominate means that it needs only one X to get the trait
Using the punnet square
X x
x Xx xx
x Xx xx
there is 2 X which means there is a 50% change that their child will get the trait
pic 1 red giant, a star whose outer shell has expanded and cooled
pic 2: supernova, a shock wave produced by extremely high temperatures
pic 3: black hole, a high mass star that has collapsed from gravity
pic 4: white dwarf, a low mass star that has shed its outer layers