Also the alimentary canal or digestive tract
When an acyl group is being transferred from the cytosol to the mitochondria for oxidation, the order of the enzymes it encounters is
CPT-I Carnitine Translocase : CPT -II
CPT-I and CPT-II are crucial for the beta-oxidation of long-chain fatty acids in the mitochondria by enabling their transport across the mitochondrial membrane.
To know more CPT I and CPT II about here
no population at maximum density............. The carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals that the environment can sustain.
During the oxidation of glucose in the liver the malate aspartate shuttle system is used, therefore, two additional ATPs get generated at the step constituting glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
On the other hand, in the brain, a cell uses the glycerol phosphate shuttle system, which generates two less number of ATPs. However, the remaining of the energetics for the number of ATP in both cases are similar.
Thus, the difference is based upon the kind of shuttle system used that leads to the production of 32 ATPs in liver cells and 30 ATPs in the brain cells.