Pretty sure its Ph scale i did a question like this once but i cant remember....its either Ph or richer
Rabbit ear size tends to decrease as latitude increases. this is an example of a cline
A cline can be described as a change of the biological trait of a species across its geographical range. A cline can be genetic for example, change in the allele frequency, or phenotypic (change in body size). The change can be shown as continuous gradation, or it can be more abrupt from one geographic region to the next.
The answer is Lionfish
are native to the tropical Pacific. There are no natural water routes of warm
water between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Invasive species is a species that colonizes an environment
in which it is not a native species and tends to upset the natural balance of that environment. Lionfish are naturally
found in the indo-pacific, which is their
native environment. However, their presence
in the eastern United States has have threatened
the ecosystem of the region. The fish has decimated fisheries and reef
ecosystem since they also don’t have natural predators in the region. Therefore,
their population explodes unchecked.