wanton means not moral. they relish in things that are of moral value and they do not act moral
morals - the way a person believes he or she should act in certain situations
Badly because, Adverbs often end in -ly
The Beggar was written by Anton Chekhov which is the story of a poor alcoholic beggar named Lushkoff who used to beg on roads as he was unable to find work. He resorted to begging in order to survive himself. One day, he met Sergie, a wealthy advocate and asked him for some work.
Eurydice support the theme by making efforts and having an intention to rescue his beloved from hell.
The theme of the story is that love is a very important and a strong feeling in the life of the human being. Because of the importance, it gives the loved ones to fight for each other and to solve the problems of each others in the bad times.
Having trust and faith on each other is very important in the feeling of love. Eurydice shows this feeling when he makes efforts to solve the problems that his beloved one is going through and get her out of hell.