yes the united state still follow the advice of washington in his farewell
A. true
when the supreme court ruled on this case they established judicial review.
"To Confucius, a good ruler is benevolent, and the ruler's subjects are loyal. A father is loving to his son, and the son demonstrates reverence to his father. A husband should be good to his wife, and his wife should, in turn, be obedient. An older sibling should be gentle to younger siblings, and younger siblings should be respectful of their older siblings. Finally two friends should be considerate and respectful of each other. Based on these principles, Confucius believed it was possible to form an ideal relationship with everyone people encountered throughout their lives. The fact that three of the five relationships are familial reiterates the key role that family plays in Confucianism." So basically, The five relationships of Confucianism are ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, older sibling and younger sibling, and elder friends and junior friends.<span> </span>
Task System, Wage labour, Sharecropping.
Task system was used in the coastal areas of the US, Caribbean in rice and sugar plantations. While Sharecropping was used in North Carolina and Virginia. Share croppers were free people who tilled the land in return they had to pay the rent to the land owners. The sharecroppers were white and black farmers who lacked the money for purchasing land, livestock and seed after the civil war.
Wage labour was used in Louisiana's sugar plantations. It was a socioeconomic relationship between an employer and worker where the labourers sold their labour under an employment contract.
Task system was the system of labour under slavery found in the Americas. It was considered to be less brutal than slave labour. Slaves working under this system often got the time for recreation and producing goods to earn for themselves. In this system the slaves were assigned specific tasks and they were free for the after finishing the task. It was mostly used in rice, coffee and sugarcane plantations as supervision is not needed while working on their plantations.
The answer would be B. The fourteenth Amendment limited the state governments in numerous ways, stating that "no State shall make or enforce any law that shall abridge the privileges of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection the equal protection of the laws."