Zinc. (Ans. B)
Trace minerals: Trace minerals are defined as the inorganic molecules which are necessary for the human body for the different functions.
Zinc function in human metabolism is defined as a cofactor for numerous enzymes. Zinc play a role as a catalyst in a broad range of reactions. It is involved in the metabolic pathway directly or indirectly with lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, energy metabolism, and they are also important for the cell division process.
They also need for tissue and growth repair, and for reproductive development also. It's also played a vital role in immune system such as wound healing or required for the function and structure of the skin.
Electrons get “excited” or charged by sunlight, then they move on through the photosystem 2 and 1 along the etc or electron transport chain
The given blank can be filled with latent content.
The latent content signifies the hidden meaning of a dream, that is, present behind the dream's literal content. On the basis of Freud, a dream's latent content signifies the hidden psychological meaning of the dream.
Freud considered that the content of the dreams is associated with fulfillment of wish and recommended that dreams possess two kinds of content. These are latent content and manifest content. The actual literal subject matter of the dream is known as the manifest content, while the underlying significance of these symbols is the latent content.
An embryo refers to the early stage of development of a multi-cellular organism and it occurs just immediately after fertilization. This development often continues through the formation of cell, tissues, organs.
An embryo is formed from the fertilization of a female ova by a male sperm.
Jellyfish are forever but fish ain't.
Plus, jellyfish have those tentacle like things attached to thier body and you might confuse em for octopus for that very reason..
but you should really evade confusing em as an octopus cuz octopus might take it as an insult and the next thing you know will be a Kraken taking your house down.. which is pretty tragic :'(