How does one's own body betray a person? Winston means involuntary movements a person might make from bottling up so much emotional and intellectual tension for so long. He once witnessed a man with a contorted face walking by. His expression was involuntary but Winston surely knew the man would be killed.
hope it helps
Answer: Static flexibility is the range of motion around joints where speed is not a factor (shooting a bow and arrow or doing the splits). Dynamic flexibility is the range of motion during physical performance which involves speed, strength, power, neuromuscular coordination (kicking a soccerball or skiing downhill).
<em>The laws enforced by EEOC makes it unlawful for Federal agencies to discriminate against employees and job applicants on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age.</em>
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<em>*Hope this helped*</em>
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That is true they need women in the facturies to make stuff for the men so that they would be prepared for war
History repeats itself a lot in our everyday lives, the reason for that is because it reminds us how things were back in olden days, and get repeated in the future, We learn new things every day because of history, without history, we would be nowhere