Five laws I would make federal would be; one, Is that if you animal abuse you go to jail, two, if you bully in school or anywhere , you get punished BIG TIME, three, if you do you work correctly at school you get money from the principle , teacher , ect. , four, children 11 and up are allowed to have a job or work somewhere with supervision from and adult or someone 18+, five, if you are racist , you get punished BIG TIME, some of these laws would really make the world a better place !
A.experience increased feelings of anxiety
Assuming the word submit is underlined, the words that are closest would be yield and obey.
Nick calls Tom and Daisy “careless people” because he recognizes them as selfish, insensitive individuals who take advantage of people and retreat back into their money without accepting responsibility for their actions. After spending time with the Buchanans, Nick is appalled by their lifestyle and reckless decisions.
a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products