First question: the king or queen sometimes has absolute power: for example, this is the case in Bahrain, but not in Norway, even though both have monarchs.
Second question: it's the federal system: in this system the states have a level of autonomy and can decide on the local issues.
The Qin dynasty unified China by creating a strong central government and creating a standard improved record keeping
Before the Qin, most government positions were inherited and people had to to get a government position
natural resources which are natural.
<span>Anita is an entrepreneur who is interested in starting a hair salon. Anita consulted her friend Ali, who is a businessman, to get some business advice. Ali advised Anita to calculate the total capital she will need to raise. He advised her to choose a set of services where she can find skilled labor and plenty of clients. He also advised her to figure out the total cost for ownership for every piece of equipment she buys for the salon. </span>