Which of the following is correct?
Merry buys stocks for $3,000 and sells them
a year and a half later for $7,000.
Merry has to pay short-term capital
gains taxes on $3,000.
Merry has to pay long-term capital
gains taxes on $4,000.
Merry has to pay long-term capital
gains taxes on $7,000.
A copy of Trotha's Extermination Order survives in the Botswana National Archives. The order states "every Herero, with or without a gun, with or without cattle, will be shot. I will no longer accept women or children, I will drive them back to their people [to die in the desert] or let them be shot at."
With no "control" you have no base line to compare your results with, for whatever hypothesis your testing
A momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. It possesses a magnitude and a direction.