The Columbian exchanged fostered massive changes in both the Americas and Europe.
For the Americas, the first, and most radical change was the decimation of the Native American population, due to the spread of diseases of Eurasian origin, such as measles and syphillis, for which the Native Americans did not have any defenses. According to some historians, the spread of this diseases killed up to 95% of the pre-columbian Native American population.
The second change is related to the first, and was the immigration of many Europeans to the Americas: Spaniards to Spanish Latin America, Portuguese to Portuguese Latin America, and so on.
A third change came from the introduction of Eurasian goods: from horses, to cows, to apples, to rice and wheat. This changed the lifestyle and diet of even Native Americans. For example, Native Americans in the United States adapted to the use of horses, which became a crucial part of their culture.
The Knights of Labor
The Knights of Labor was an active American labor federation in the late 19th century, especially in the 1880s. It operated in the United States, as well as in Canada, and also had great participation in Great Britain and Australia. The organization considered its task to be the education of the workers, the defense of their interests through solidarity and mutual aid among the workers. However, the Order's leadership ultimately rejected the workers' participation in the political struggle and had positions of class collaboration.
The concept of 'Western Bias' is the Eurocentric perspective of the west towards other continents such as Africa where in the western view they tend to feel as a more superior race thus creating a bias on how they view the continent. The idea developed due to the historical, political, and military dominance of the West. This was exemplified by historical writers and western philosophies such as Hobbes, and Machiavelli who developed concepts of realism while Locke & Smith developed liberalism.