The purpose of each step is there to make sure that you wont mess up and tomake sure that you follow the directions closely. The design would have to be in the shade and moist.
The antecedent of a pronoun is basically the noun that a pronoun replaces, AKA the noun that the pronoun refers to. It should be somewhere before the pronoun in the sentence. In the sentence "Strikers will return to work when the union representative has completed their name negotiation," the pronoun is "their." Whose name negotiation is being completed? The strikers. This could read, "Strikers will return to work when the union representative has completed THE STRIKERS' name negotiation." That works! So, the pronoun "their" refers to the strikers.
Answer: strikers
Where did the story take place?When did the story happen?What's the weather or climate like?What are the social or community conditions?What is the landscape like?What special details make it clear to understand?[1]