Gregor was quite confused of how he changed in the dream therefore he was heavily affected by it and soon came to past. He felt sad when the raindrops pittered and pattered on the window pane which indeed matched his mood of how he was. But when his mother asked him if he wanted to go somewhere he replied in a forced but uncertain tone. Henceforth he felt partially full because of the meaning of how it had happened.
C) collective noun
because collective nouns is a group of indivisuals, for example a crew or staff
Endowed with commonsense, as massive and hard as blocks of granite, fastened together by stern rigidity of purpose Endowed with commonsense, as massive and hard as blocks of granite, fastened together by stern rigidity of purpose. On the score of delicacy, or any scrupulousness which a finer sensibility might have taught him, the Colonel, like most of his breed and generation, was impenetrable.
Hope this helps!!!
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A Venn diagram is an illustration of the connections between and among sets, groups of items that offer something in common.
The Venn diagram is named after its creator, British mathematician John Venn (1834-1923) and invented for the fields of set theory, probability, logic, statistics, competition math, and computer science.
Venn diagram empowers students to arrange data, so they can see the connections between a few arrangements of things. Since the numerical term for "a gathering of things" is "a set", Venn outlines can be utilized to delineate set connections.
They would then be able to distinguish similitudes and contrasts. A Venn diagram comprises of covering circles. Each circle contains every one of the components of a set.