The Soviet Union fell because people rebelled against communism and totalitarianism.
Garvey called for African Americans to start a revolution.
Deity) a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)., Polytheistic) relating to or characterized by belief in or worship of more than one god. Ziggurat) (in ancient Mesopotamia) a rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple. Ziggurats are first attested in the late 3rd millennium BC and probably inspired the biblical story of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1–9)., Secular) denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. or (of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order.
he force the to believe what he believe
which is not fare and made people angry
They all improvised the Declaration of Independence.
They limited government power.