It’s because 15ml was just under the range and 50ml is just over it. 30 is a happy middle.
basically it means the connection between 2 bases
A is complementary to U in RNA
T is complementary to A in DNA
U to A
G to C/C to G
In section 18 the elements are the most stable because they complete themselves without having to share electrons with other elements. Does that make sense?
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. The possible outcome on the progeny of the hamster would be that the defect is carried forward to the progeny of the hamster. Hope this answers the question. have a nice day.
To show the carbon cycle in a bottle ecosystem. A bottle ecosystem is to recreate an ecosystem inside a bottle or a container to study them or just for decoration. ... The second thing that happens in the ecosystem is that the pondweed absorbs the carbon dioxide converting it into oxygen by the process of photosynthesis.