Sampson is a servant of the house of Capulet who takes his hatred for the Montagues from his master, Lord Capulet. He seemed like a loud-mouthed man, brave and courageous, and would do anything to get a fight with their enemy. But when things come head-on, he seemed to be weak in reality and would often ask Gregory for advice. He also bravely boasted of doing this and that to the enemy but in reality, he barely had the courage to provoke the men without Gregory by his side.
Sampson is one of the 'men' in the Capulet family from William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Ju liet". The story delves into the fateful story of two lovers who fell victim to their families' feud. The story has remained one of the most read tragic love stories in literature.
Sampson, like his master Lord Capulet and everyone on that side, hates the Montagues and would try to start a confrontation any chance he gets. Act I scene i shows Sampson and his fellow servant-mate Gregory in conversation about the feud between the two houses- Capulets and Montagues. He also seemed boastful, though he seemed to be more weak than strong like he thinks he is. Gregory's comment: <em>"To move is to stir, and to be valiant is to stand. Therefore if thou art moved thou runn’st away"</em> seemed to suggest at the 'weak' nature of Sampson despite his vain and brave declarations of taking on any Montague men.
As the play progresses, Sampson would every now and then get help from Gregory on how to respond to Abram, a Capulet servant. By asking Gregory <em>"Is the law of our side if I say "ay"?"</em> he seemed to be worried about what his action may provoke, though that was what he wanted but not really want, too. He is the type of man who is valiant and brave only on words but would have second thoughts when things get pretty heavy.
Pathos came from the Greek word which means suffering. So this means it is a rhetorical device that appeals to the emotion of the audience and elicit feelings that are already inside of them. It could be through the use of metaphor or with the way it is delivered.
1) B. Sentinel is a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch
2)C I think
Answer: Dulce
Dulce’s comment make more sense since there are still seeds in the cucumber you are still able to take them out and put them in soil and regenerated. When you eat plants, you can never destroy them permanently. You eat a fruit, the seed will germinate. You discard a stem, life will emerge, you discard a flower, they will pollinate.