Samudra Gupta
Because I took the quiz too and i got 5/5
I am almost positive that the increase of organized crime was due to the lack of legal alcohol that many people would drink on a daily basis, causing mafia groups and gang leaders such as Al Capone to make a huge monopoly off of an illegal trade selling and smuggling alcohol. Please list the cartoon next time-I am unable to see it-I am giving you an answer based off of what I know.
The conflict over the establishment of the state of Israel.
Immediately after Israel declared itself an independent nation (free of British mandate control), a coalition of Arab states attacked, in 1948. Another war over the Suez Canal zone followed in 1956 -- though that was more a direct matter between Egypt and Israel (as well as Britain and France). Further wars between Israel and Arab neighboring states occurred in 1967 (the Six Day War) and in 1973 (the Ramadan or Yom Kippur War).
No, prohibition was NOT a success.
The picture depicts police firing guns at a seemingly impenetrable person made out of money, crime, and other things. This would suggest by approving the prohibition law, it made even bigger problems that are harder to fix.