In general, tribute and neutral rights affect shipping in that some ships and cargo holds must pay fines to dock in certain harbors, which discourages trade.
They had to fully blockade all southern coasts to eliminate the possibility of confederate help from abroad
Portugal is the European Kingdom that led in European Exploration in the 15th Century in the age of discovering, exploration and mapping coasts of Africa, Canada, Asia and Africa. Under the leadership of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portugal took the role to search for a sea route to Asia by sailing south around Africa, and during this process, Portugal accumulated wealthy knowledge on the geography and navigation of the Atlantic ocean.
In the last decade, Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean and "discovered" a new continent while searching or a sea route to the Indies.
In 1498, Vasco da Gama led the first fleet around Africa to India.
The Democratic Party lost popularity and the 1952 election because of U.S. involvement in Korea. The heavy cost of the war in terms of money and American lives and the failure to win the war were partial reasons for the loss.