A. Cotton gin
The South was based on agriculture, which means lots of cotton was produced. The cotton gin is a machine which made this much easier.
Freedom of speech can be limited whenever it is D. likely to lead to imminent lawless action. This was the result of the Supreme Court case: Brandenburg vs. Ohio.
1787: Constitution creates the first federal system the newly drafted Constitution included a system that would share powers between the states and the national government.
One incredible accomplishment of the American founding was the making of a compelling protected structure of political organizations. Two significant parts of the U.S. Constitution federalism and the separation of power partially, the framers' endeavors to isolate administrative power.
Federalism reduced the government powers by limiting the ruling of the state leadership authority and state governments together with these lines controlling the impact of both.
It was used to find enemy planes and ships
This revolutionary new technology of radio-based detection and tracking was used by both the Allies and Axis powers in World War II, which had evolved independently in a number of nations during the mid 1930s. At the outbreak of war in September 1939, both Great Britain and Germany had functioning radar systems.
Radar could pick up incoming enemy aircraft at a range of 80 miles and played a crucial role in the Battle of Britain by giving air defences early warning of German attacks. The CH stations were huge, static installations with steel transmitter masts over 100 metres high.
It has been said that radar won the war for the Allies in World War II. While that's an overstatement, it is true that radar had a huge impact on how World War II was fought on both sides. ... Radar works by sending out radio waves and detecting any reflections from distant objects.
From the year 1760 until the early 1770s, settlers were more and more opposed to British imperial policies; and something in common that affected everyone alike, tax policies and border policies. When the Colonists' protests failed to persuade the British to change their policies; and on the contrary, Great Britain ordered the closure of the port of Boston, and made use of martial law in the city of Massachusetts, the governments of the 13 Colonies sent delegates to a Continental Congress to summon to a colonial boycott of the British goods. Thus, taxes and border restrictions were common conflicts that all settlers suffered