Explanation: Description - The person is sitting with other students in psychology class holding a pen and writing some notes on his paper. He is also listening attentively as he is leaning forward and nodding as the professor is presenting a fact or concept.
Explanation - You are sitting in the psychology class amidst many other things you could be doing because of multiple reasons. It could be that you are in pursuit of understanding human behavior, being a psychologist is your childhood dream or you want to follow the footsteps of your parents who are also psychologists. Again, there are numerous reasons that a person may have to sit inside the class in psychology.
Prediction - It can be predicted that given a class of 30 students, at least a number might have a failing mark if those few are continuously not attending class, or showing no interest in the subject. Psychology might be hard for some especially those who are not studying.
Influence - To influence people who might be interested in sitting in the psychology class might to show how interesting psychology is by providing practical applications for the subjects that may include, understanding mental disorders, determining if the person is telling the truth or predicting human behavior in a poker game.
We can still see god's covenants in some of the laws and political issues of today. Our strict intolerance surely arises from murder and billions of people today follow abrahamic religions, introducing its principles into their personal lives. Debates on political issues like abortion are greatly influenced by religion as people resist things that go against teh Bible.
Religion still has mass influence in society.
I think it is ethically appropriate because he's taking a real thing that's happening and talking about it. It's giving him a topic to say about that might allow others to connect with or understand. Also depends on the topic
I think MGA gamit NILA <em>or </em><em>business </em><em>Kase </em><em>un </em><em>ung </em><em>yamang </em><em>tao </em><em>NILA </em><em>ehg</em>