As early as the 19th century, we the English made the Baie des Anges their favorite winter resort, giving their name to the world's most famous promenade, on the initiative of the Reverend Lewis Way. It gives Nice its cosmopolitan and aesthetic identity between sea and palm trees.
<span>Tu as choisi une robe longue et des sandales pour le mariage de ta cousine.
Conjugaison du verbe "choisir" au passé composé :
<span>j'ai choisi
tu as choisi
il, elle, on a choisi
nous avons choisi
vous avez choisi
ils,elles ont chois<span>i</span></span>
<span>Choose the correct word to complete this sentence
5. comment va ton ami?
b. va
Choose the correct word to complete this sentence
7. Comment s'_______ l'enfant
b. appelle
1. The museum is closing. Problem at the end: They won’t be able to go to the museum.
2. The Mona Lisa has been stolen. Problem at the end: They have to find the Mona Lisa, but it is hard.
3. The strange man is chasing them. Problem at the end: The strange man harms or does something bad to he/she or them.
4. They get separated from each other. Problem at the end: They are not couples anymore or they can’t find each other.