I would say it may generate harmful emissions
C) Does the temperature affect how much crickets chirp
A hypothesis is a question that you test through study and experimentation. Basically a hypothesis is an educated guess that you attempt to prove write(it could be wrong) through an experiment
Sickle cell disease has a benefit in malaria infection because it makes the parasites easier to eliminate. This makes a person with sickle cell disease is more likely to survive the malaria infection, which found many in Africa.
Sickle cell disease has a few drawbacks because it makes the red blood cells less durable, which lead to the destruction of more red blood cells. In normal condition(where malaria doesn't exist like in America), this gene will make the organism less likely to survive than those who don't have the gene.</span>
In this case, c) mimicry is the answer. In Batesian mimicry in which harmless animals mimic toxic animals. In this case, I assume the milk snake is harmless and the coral snake is venomous. Since the milk snake has a trait similar to deadly coral snake, less animals would eat it thinking it is dangerous. Over time all the milk snake that look like the deadly coral snake would survive leading to evolution by natural selection. This would lead to more and more milk snake mimicking the resemblance of the deadly coral snake.
a) The deadly coral snake has a warning color adaptive radiation. If the question had described the environment and how the snaked adapted to the environment via warning coloration. This would've been correct.
b) cryptic coloration is more about camouflage with the environment. If the question had state how a certain feature help one of the animals blend into the background. This would've been correct.
d) I'm not sure whats different between this and a so i'll consider them both the same.