It can be tempting to pay the minimum amount due on your credit card bill, but it can be really expensive in the long run. Here's what happens if you only pay the minimum on your credit card.
Yes, because the donated blood was exchanged for a feeling of satisfaction
Any organization needs advertising as a major part of making their goods and services move towards consumers. Advertising refers to the act of drawing the attention of people in getting a product or service. A good advertising results in making the consumers purchase that particular product or service or doing certain actions that are being advertised.
In the given example, The American Red cross advertises for making people donate blood. After viewing the ad, Amanda decided to donate her blood. From the given statement, it is concluded that, there is a marketing sense as the donated blood was exchanged for a feeling of satisfaction.
Return on assets = .138/(1+ .72414) = .08, or 8 percent.
1. After the split, how many shares of common stock are outstanding and what is their par value per share?
40,000 stocks outstanding x 2 = 80,000 stocks outstanding after the stock split
par value of each stock = $2 / 2 = $1
Aren't both questions the same?
2. After the split, the number of shares outstanding is <u>80,000</u> and the par value per share is <u>$1</u>.
When a stock split happens, the total number of outstanding stock is just multiplied by the stock split factor, in this case it was 2, but other times it might be 4 or 7 (like Apple stock). You just multiply total outstanding stock by the split number. On the other hand, par value is calculated by dividing the current par value by the split number.