It tried to increase its military hopefully causing fear into the colonists to back down.
My belief may be different from yours...
I am a Christian, for me, when I pass if I really truly believe that Jesus died for me on the cross I will go to heaven. I believe in God the Father, Jesus the sun, and the holy spirit. This might not be your perception of God or heaven, but it is to me.
Yes, revolution is necessary in bringing about political change because it also brings social and economic changes which have the power to influence political change.
Results of WWI.
-laid the foundation for the rise of totalitarians dictatorship.
-hatred created by Germans b\c of the treaty of Versailles
-economic destruction of Europe (depression)
and also nationalism.. I don't think I got all of
The conclusion about the use of U.S. military power would be most logically drawn from the experience of the Iraq War is: <span>A. After a military victory, the defeated country may remain unstable and dangerous.
After we use military power to obliterate the leader of these terrorist groups that controlled the middle east we should not directly leave and not doing some follow up because it will create a politcal vacuum and invited many people from other groups see this as an opportunity to gain power.</span>