From today's perspective the works of art made in ancient Egypt are quite different from what we are used to in art. The pictures could look very formal, and also blocky. Some could argue they looked abstract in a way as well. They were also static. When we compare them to later Rennaisance art found in Europe, the style is strikingly different. Hieroglyphs (the way ancient Egyptians wrote) also accompanied pictures and images of all kinds very often and were sometimes precisely carved as an artwork of their own.
It shortened the travel time and distance and improved trade.
Federalist believed the Constitution only limited the government and not the people.
Soviet propaganda depicted dictador Joseph Stalin as a wise and effective leader, almost infallible. He was referred to as a great Marxist-Leninist thinker; his quotes and speeches were used as guidelines for right actions for Communist Party members and citizens. Propaganda efforts sought to portray him as a hardworking comrade who tirelessly worked for the well-being of Soviet people, someone who cared about the workers, peasants, children, women, etc.
We have to agree with the phrase "Visuals are more powerful than words," because a picture, a movie or a graphic composition will get more attention and will better convey an idea or message.
Soviet posters with carefully crafted images of comrade Stalin occupied an importany place in communist propaganda.