A huge protest began across the colonies due to the Boston Massacre and the repeal of taxes under the Townshend Acts.
A. One of the main conflicts had been the October War of 1973 -- also known as the Yom Kippur War (in Israel) and the Ramadan War (in Arab nations). That war had been by a coalition of Arab states, led by Egypt and Syria, against Israel. Israel had won and was occupying the Sinai peninsula.
B. The three key leaders involved were President Jimmy Carter of the United States, Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt.
C. It was monumental for these leaders to meet -- especially the leaders of Israel and Egypt, because they had been in conflict with one another since the establishment of Israel in 1948.
D The years since the Camps David Accords have seen a sustained peace agreement between Israel and Egypt -- one of the few lasting peace agreements in the Middle East.
1.negative thinking of people
2.due to poverty
3.due to the feeling of jealousness
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The historical origins of christianity is in jerusalem, israel.