what crisis does Jill face in the story and how is it resolved? Jill faces having to be the only waitress at a popular pancake house on a Sunday morning. there is a flood of people and she has no back up to help her. the crisis is resolved when her ex-boyfriend and his mother come to assist her.
Two dead bodies, which he pulled ashore and covered their faces. (Buck and his cousin Joe)
1. When McMurphy is trying to pull him out of the fog, he realzes that he's not deaf, he started acting like that, because people thought he was too dumb to hear or understand all the thing they were saying, that reveals too why he was so oppressed and hasn't recovered.
2. Chief Bromden is the narrator of the story, he's an obsever since he is deaf and can't talk, he listened all that the people said, but this description of the fog is important because it allow us to understand the state of mind the patients had from Bromden's point of view and according to him, was produced by Nurse Ratched with her strict, mind-numbing routines and humiliating treatment. The character that takes all the patients out of the fog (the oppresion and incapability to recover and be sane aganin) is McMurphy.
As an adult, Wright has a different perspective of his father than he did when he was a child.
In the passage the speaker talks about his father when he says, "there had not been handed to him a chance". This makes it seem as though the speaker understands that his father did not have much of a choice. Then at the end of the passage the speaker says "I forgave him, and pitied him as my eyes look past him to the unpainted wooden shack." These details show that there has been some type of change in the speaker in regards to his father. At one point he may have blamed his father and been angry with him, but this frustration or annoyance is no longer there for the speaker. The way the speaker views his father has changed since he was a boy.