Answer: This photograph is by Dorothea Lange. Answer will vary but may include the following: This photo of a migrant mother has become an icon of the Great Depression. The expression on the woman's face and her cowering children help communicate the mood of this time. It shows the pain felt by all members of the family, and the despair felt by parents for the miserable lives of themselves and their children.
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1: I like Classical, and Romantic styles. I like the classical style because of the way mozart and haydn made their music. Grand, kind of shallow in terms of emotion, and the abundance of it being played in G major xD. I like the romantic style because of the emotion. The use of dissonance and chromatic movements.
2: Modern technology has lead to things like smooth jazz, vaporwave, and EDM. Jazz originated from people changing the parts of marching music. MOdern technology is doing the same things, but using computers and electronic sounds, leading to a larger variety of music. Modern technology will affect music inv the future the same way it has already.
Nature smart people are best suited for occupations that involve studying, nurturing, and relating information about their natural surroundings. They have a tremendous sensitivity to nature. They are also good at growing plants or caring for, training, and interacting with animals.