For a time some Germanic peoples were allowed to live peacefully within the Roman Empire. Many of them fought in the Roman army, and some became military leaders. Then, during the late A.D. 300s and the A.D. 400s, the Germanic tribes began entering Roman territory in large numbers. Their own lands were being taken over by a people from central Asia called the Huns.
By attacking the Germanic tribes, the Huns caused one of the largest migrations of people in world history. The migration of the Germanic peoples into the Western Roman Empire was more than just a movement of people, however. Some historians have called it "the migration of nations." Others consider it a time of invasion.
The colonists got many of their ideas from the British. Much of the bill of rights is some of British ideas.Enlightenment thinkers pushed this.
The Quakers rejected slavery on the grounds that it contradicted the Christian concept of brotherhood.
The Quakers are a religious movement that originated among Christian English dissenters in the mid-17th century. At the end of the 1600s, many Quaker immigrants emigrated to North America, where William Penn founded Pennsylvania.
Quakers imagine that there is something of God within every human being, which, like an inner light, can guide one. The movement emphasizes that each person must find his or her own way to God, that God exists within every human being, and that the personal experience of God is the only guidance a human can have. Therefore, as God lived in every human, even in African-Americans, men were all equal and as a consequence brothers under God. This religious view, therefore, made them reject slavery during the 19th Century.
The author F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote a short story called, "Tales of the Jazz Age." Jazz had become popular, and the name caught on and the 1920's became known as The Jazz Age.