Genotype is not the only thing that effect phenotype because you have environment effects as well that can cause a vary of things.....
Tides are caused by the location of the earth, sun and moon.
The vaccination has been one of the most revolutionary inventions in the medical field. This invention helped protect people from numerous diseases, some being totally neutralized, while some having only minor effects on the human body. The vaccination basically is a way of enhancing the immune system of the body by injecting in it a weakened form of the pathogen. In this way, the weakened form of the pathogen is not capable to harm the body, and the body is not fighting against it, but instead the pathogen becomes part of the body and its defense mechanism, so when the pathogen strikes, the body has a counter attack and defeats it.
The use of chemicals on crops poses known health risks to humans. this statement most support a decision to buy organic produce.
- The agriculture industry has become more industrialized, which has increased the chemical load on the environment.
- Agrochemicals known as pesticides are applied to agricultural fields, public health initiatives, and urban green spaces to protect people and plants from numerous diseases.
- Their side effects, however, can be a significant environmental health risk factor due to their proven capacity to have a wide range of detrimental health and environmental impacts.
- Produce that is organic uses fewer pesticides.
- Because organic food lacks preservatives that extend its shelf life, it is frequently fresher.
- Organic farming typically benefits the environment.
- Animals kept organically are not fed animal byproducts, growth hormones, or antibiotics.
learn more about organic produce here:
yes yes yah yup correcto very gud noice
and yes