Two siblings are like twins but brother and sister or brother
1. genotypically
2. phenotypically
The genotype of an individual represents the total number and types of genes and the alleles of each gene present in the nuclei of its cells. In humans, the presence of two copies of X chromosomes makes an individual female. However, some individuals have two copies of X chromosomes but have masculine features. Similarly, some individuals have one X and one Y chromosomes in their cells. These individuals are genotypically males. But they have some feminine features. This makes them phenotypically female. Phenotype is the morphological expression of genotype.
Metoclopramide is a drug widely used for its antiemetic effect (that is, used for the symptomatic treatment of nausea and vomiting). Its adverse reactions are varied, affecting even the central nervous system, causing extrapyramidal syndromes.
Due to the antidopaminergic action of metoclopramide. Signs and symptoms can range from spasms of the muscles of the face, neck or tongue, motor agitation and tremor, acatisia (feeling restless and in need of constant movement) and acute dystonic reactions. Extrapyramidal syndrome is transient and disappears after eliminating or decreasing the dose of metoclopramide.
Metoclopramide is a drug that can be administered intravenously. Its administration can be in bolus or by a continuous infusion. Is there any method of choice to prevent or reduce the occurrence of pyramidal syndromes?
A recent systematic review concluded that, compared with bolus administration, continuous intravenous infusion of metoclopramide reduced the occurrence of extrapyramidal side effects.
With this gesture we can perform quality care and try to avoid side effects to our patients.
12 hours day and 12 hours night
<h2>follow me and make me as brilliest.....</h2><h2 />
Heat water using the sun during the day, and use it during the cold night.
Use a solar panel to charge batteries during the day, and use the power at night.