Answer: Life is either physical or emotional suffering.
The Four Noble Truths are the foundations of the teachings of the founder of the Buddhist religion, the Buddha.
In these he talks about what suffering is and how to end it.
The First Noble Truth is known as Dukkha and it explains the <em>Truth of Suffering. </em>
Suffering according to The Buddha, is the pain and discomfort that all humans feel in their lives and they are either physical or emotional.
La respuesta correcta es A) baja densidad.
¿Por qué la luna carece de atmosfera?
Respuesta: por su baja densidad.
Los científicos que han estudiado la Luna aseguran que la atmósfera de este satélite es 100 billones de veces menos densa comparada con nuestra atmósfera terrestre, lo que significa que tiene baja densidad. De acuerdo con estos científicos, la fuerza de gravedad de nuestra Luna es 6 veces menor que la qu presenta nuestro planeta azul. Es por eso que la dela Luna no puede captar o mantener las moléculas ni los átomos para conformar una atmósfera.
1. The degredation of local economies and colonial deindustrialization
2. An unheaval of traditional life and religion
3. The fostering of nationalism in colonial societies
1. The destruction of the Bengal fabric industry by the East India Company
2. The presence of EIC missionaries in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Men like Padre Jennings directly influenced the Sepoy Mutiny by creating tensions in the local Hindu and Muslim populations of Delhi and Meerut.
3. The rise of the Indian National Congress, the Brahmo-Samaj in India, and the Vietminh in Vietnam.
Answer: Thousands of people made salt, or bought salt. This is considered the of Gandhi's political appeal, as the march mobilized many new followers from all of Indian society and the march grabbed the world's attention. Most historians see Dandi as a key turning point in India's struggle for freedom.
After the split from the supercontinent, the individual continents underwent a number of changes of their shoreline. For example, the constant flow of water "smoothed" the surface, which meant that in some parts the land decreased (was washed away by the currents) and in other parts the land increased with the accumulation of the material that the currents brought.
This changed the shape of the continents in a way that they no longer "fit" together perfectly.