Mostly because they look to each story from their own experiences
B. be a “majority-minority” nation.
Perhaps the greatest reason for the creation of corporations is that it limits the liability of the individuals who both the corporation and the shareholders. The most a shareholder can lose in the value of his investment in the company. This provides and incentive to invest.
Whilst in Germany, Usain Bolt buys his shoes from Nike.
There were several factors that moved America towards independence from Britain. They are as followed:
1) The development of an American culture- Even though the colonists were still part of Great Britain during the 18th century, many of these individuals were natives of the colonies and had never even been to Great Britain before. This is a huge transformation from when settlers came here originally to find freedom from religious persecution during the early 16th and17th centuries.
2) Colonists being forced to into wars they did not want to fight in- The British army was constantly fighting with other European powers like France in North America. This resulted in colonists being part of wars they did not want to be in (like the French and Indian War).