Complete python code with explanation and output results is given below
User is asked to input names of runners and their finishing time
We have to determine first, second and third according to their finishing time.
if else conditioning is used to determine who has lowest finishing time.
Outer if is used to decide first position and inner if is used to decide second and third position.
str() function is used to concatenate the integer variable with string
runner1 = input("Please enter name of the runner1 ")
time1 = int(input("Please enter the time of runner1 "))
runner2 = input("Please enter name of the runner2 ")
time2 =int(input("Please Enter name of the runner2 "))
runner3 = input("Please enter name of the runner3 ")
time3 =int(input("Please Enter name of the runner3 "))
if(time1 < time2 and time1 < time3):
if(time2 < time3): // to decide 2nd and 3rd position
print(runner1+" has finished First with time: "+str(time1))
print(runner2+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time2))
print(runner3+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner1+" has finished First with time: "+str(time1))
print(runner3+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner2+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time2))
if(time2 < time1 and time2 < time3):
if(time1 < time3):
print(runner2+" has finished First with time: "+str(time2))
print(runner1+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time1))
print(runner3+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner2+" has finished First with time: "+str(time2))
print(runner3+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner1+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time1))
if(time3 < time1 and time3 < time2):
if(time2 < time1):
print(runner3+" has finished First with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner2+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time2))
print(runner1+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time1))
print(runner3+" has finished First with time: "+str(time3))
print(runner1+" has finished Second with time: "+str(time1))
print(runner2+" has finished Third with time: "+str(time2))
Program has been tested with multiple inputs and results are accurate as per problem specifications.
Please enter name of the runner1 danny
Please enter the time of runner1 45
Please enter name of the runner2 sam
Please enter the time of runner2 34
Please Enter name of the runner3 tedd
Please enter the time of runner3 23
tedd has finished First with time: 23
sam has finished Second with time: 34
danny has finished Third with time: 45