Melanin provides pigmentation to the skin and it also provides UV ray protection (which is its role in the epidermis).
Humans get D vitamin from sunlight. the plants perform photosynthesis and grow , we eat those fruits and vegetables grown in the plants. so indirectly we humans and other animals are benifitted from sun sunlight . flesh eating animals eat herbivores animala so they are also benifitted
<h3><u>Required Answer</u><u>:</u><u>-</u></h3>
The intensification of agriculture has caused dramatic declines in farmland biodiversity (Carvalheiro et al., 2013; Senapathi et al., 2015). Since the 1990s, agricultural policies have been developed in Europe to mitigate this loss through agri-environmental schemes (AES). One AES is “sown wildflower strips”, the aim of which is to create new ecological infrastructures by sowing attractive wild flowers on arable land (a few % of the cultivated area). These ecological infrastructures fall within our definition of MIMS since they represent a massive introduction of managed species in the landscape.
Immunity to Small Pox
Over the years, Europeans had built up an immunity to smallpox because many had contracted the disease and still survived. As the population grew children were born with some immunity to the disease. When the Europeans arrived in the Americas, and smallpox spread around the native peoples, the Europeans did not contract the disease because they were immune. However, since the natives were not immune, they slowly died of due just to the disease as well as some parts of the war between the europeans.
Warm oceans will be worse at absorbing CO2.
Hope this helps!