A step lease covers the landlord's expected increases in expenses by increasing the rent on an annual basis over the life of the agreement.
There are discrepancies between the pay rates of a company and the pay structure in the market when a company sets its pay rates strictly based on a <u>pay policy</u><u> line</u>.
<h3>What is a pay rate?</h3>
A pay rate can be defined as a measure of the amount of money that is being paid by a company to its employees (workers) per period of work or unit of production, which is usually on a hourly, weekly, or monthly basis.
In business management, discrepancies would generally exist between the pay rates of a company and the pay structure in the market when a company sets its pay rates strictly based on a <u>pay policy</u><u> line</u>.
Read more on pay rate here: brainly.com/question/4443190
a. its greater flexibility
A sole proprietorship is A form of legal business structure owned by only one person. The liabilities of the owner is unlimited. It is usually flexible as decisions are made and approved by the owner.
A sole proprietorship doesn't usually have perpetual existence. It usually ends when the owner dies. It is not easy to transfer shares to other family members.
A sole proprietorship gives the owner the opportunity to be involved in the day to day running of the business.
I hope my answer helps you.
Giving back.
Returning a favor.