His master, Capt. Henry Northup, a great grandson of Stephen Northup, manumitted Mintus in his will.
Film story credits: Solomon Northup's Odyssey, ...
Parents: Mintus Northup
Works written: Twelve Years a Slave, Black Men ...
Born: July 10, 1807, New York
Millions accepted Christianity, is the correct answer.
Christianity came to Japan with the Portuguese and the Jesuit missionaries in 1542. They brought both the gunpowder and Christianity to Japan. The Lord of Kyushu accepted them. Theses missionaries managed to convert a large number of people and and the ruling class to Christianity in the western Japan. Due to their growing tolerance Christianity was banned by the Toyotomi HIdeyoshi and 26 christians were executed in 1597. Many more were executed after the rebellion on Shimabara Peninsula. Christianity was again banned under the rule of Tokugawa Shogunate, only few people who were known as hidden chrstians continued to practice the religion. The number of Japanese Christians started to increase after the Meiji Restoration.