The program is correct: at the beginning, product = 0. Then, we start summing Y to that variable, and we sum Y exactly X times, because with each iteration we increase Count by 1, and check if Count=X so that we can exit the loop.
A text editor
A text editor is an application that enables a programmer edit and create codes in a programming language. These codes are then executed to do just what the programmer wanted them to do.
The <em>break</em> keyword is how you interrupt a while loop.
the syntax looks like this ↓
Python ↓
while <em>true</em>:
Java script ↓
while (<em>true</em>);
d. IPv4 Address is associated with the globe IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe
The adapter setting will be associated with the global IP address. When Ipconfig command is operate the IP address finds the relevant domain and then address will use a different subnet. The network will use both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets in order to execute the command.