This is romanian
Formulate a assert in which to specify the following aspects of the given text: the southern boundary of the Banat mountains, the area in which the sedimentary of the getic domain is well represented.
Si j'étais vous, je prendrais le bus. Vous devez d'abord trouver un arrêt de bus. Lorsque vous trouverez l'arrêt de bus, vous devrez trouver un type de guichet automatique pour obtenir un billet. Une fois que vous achetez un billet, vous pouvez prendre le bus.
Eu acho que vai nesta ordem
A (Maria foi ao mercado.
C (Maria entrou no mercado.
D (Maria comprou uma fruta
E (Maria comprou uma fruta vermelha.
F (Maria comprou uma fruta para a mãe.
B (Maria está preocupada.
<span>Children are my roses are a great many would be great to </span>
Answer:Those that coincide are: leges,novae. Both words are plural and feminine. Both words are nouns.
The others that coincide are: ducem, boni, misero. These are in singular and masculine. Ducem and boni are adjetives but misero is a noun.
Explanation: Ducem means leader.
Leges means laws.
Novae means news.
Boni means good.
Misero means misery.
I hope I have helped you. Good luck!