Albert Einstein quote is explaining that there are some things, that are extremely important for human beings, but that are not easily quantifiable.
This relates to GDP in the sense that GDP is only a measure of the monetary value of all final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year. While GDP can shed some light on a country's economic health, very important things for social well-being are not included in the GDP calculation.
This makes GDP only a partial measure of social well-being, that should be analyzed carefully when making conclusions about the economy and health of a nation.
Industries also provides arms and ammunition for the defence of a country, without these the country will become extremely vulnerable.
The container analogy is too static.
The WM or the Working memory may be defined as a cognitive system with some limited capacity which can hold information for a short period of time or temporarily. Working memory is very important for reasoning and also the guidance of the decision-making as well as behavior.
In the cognitive system, the recent effect is always associated with the working memory.
Working memory is always associated with the storage container which can store memories for short time. But this analogy is very much static as the working memory can more capable than simply the short term storage.
All of the above
It is always very important to deliver speeches that are very unique, addressing the context or the situation at that time. When the speech is being delivered using another unrelated concept created by someone else, the speaker may likely seem very insincere before the audience, and they may also not be able to understand why the speaker talks quite differently from the issue at hand. The listeners can as well lack engagement with his speech as seen in the case of Walter.
The answer is a. autism spectrum disorder.
This disorder, which usually appears during early childhood, presents symptoms such as difficulties in social interaction, repetitive behaviours and a tendency to be extremely organised. It is called "spectrum" because the symtpoms may vary from person to person.
The causes for this disorder are unknown, and no standard treatment has been found.