The peripheral nervous system is made up of two systems; the somatic nervous system controls muscle movement and the autonomic nervous system connects with internal organs.
Lactose because it is a sugar made up of galactose and glucose.
The correct option is number 3. A deficit of appositional bone growth would not be life threatening.
Appositional bone growth can be defined as the thickening of the bones due to increase in the number of bone tissues at the surface. In this kind of bone growth, the diameter of the bone increases rather than the length of the bone. This can lead to deformation of the bone but it is not life-threatening.
Rest of the options 1, 2 and 3 are serious disorders and can eventually lead to death.
False, the arrow for C is pointing to the genetic material of the virus cell. The capsid (protein shell) is A.
fHay dos tipos de plastos claramented diferenciados, según la estructura de sus membranas: los plastos primarios, que se encuentran en la mayoría de las plantas y algas; y plastos secundarios, más complejos, que se encuentran en el plancton