.com is a company , which is mostly bias, .net is a network, and .org could be any organization (some are reliable and others are not) only .gov is by the government so it is reliab;le
The repeal of Prohibition then is the real reason for FDR's popularity. The success of repeal gave him a tremendous amount of political capital that helped shield all the silly and dysfunctional programs of the New Deal. The truth is that liberty works for the people and is very popular when tried
Cuba and the United States<span> restored diplomatic </span>relations<span> on 20 July 2015, which had been severed in 1961 during the Cold War. U.S. diplomatic representation in </span>Cuba<span> is handled by the </span>United States<span> Embassy in Havana, and there is a similar </span>Cuban Embassy in Washington, D.C..<span>According to the UN Universal Declaration of </span>Human Rights<span> everyone has the </span>right <span>to life, liberty and security of person. As yet, there is no general prohibition </span>against t<span>he </span>death penalty<span> in international law. In Sweden's view, the </span>death penalty<span> is a deeply inhuman </span>punishment<span> that should be abolished.</span>