He locked them up deep in the earth. ... Upright like the gods and he lit a torch and brought fire to earth from heaven.
D. a president who is elected to office
A. is not correct as Brazil is not a monarchy.
B. is incorrect, Brazil is a democracy.
C. is not correct, as Brazil’s legislature has executive headed by the president.
<u>D. is the correct answer. </u>Brazil is a democratic federative republic. <u>President and the cabinet are the executives. President is chosen by the method of election every four years. </u>Voting is compulsory for all citizens between the ages of sixteen to seventy.
It depends on the country. Some countries have respect for their enemies and would return bodies of fallen soldiers. Others would keep them as trophies. It completely depends on the country.
William Howard Taft is the answer
Wood's Despatch is the event observed in History of India under British Rule. Sir Charles Wood was the Preseident of Board of Control of the British East India Company. In 1854 he sent the Despatch to the then Governor Lord Dalhousie regarding the education in India. ... This is known as Wood's despatch