Mark you want me to send it to you in a few hours I can do
He contracted polio at age 39 and needed leg braces for the rest of his life.
Franklin Roosevelt was born in a rich and resourceful family with political contacts. He got married to his cousin Eleanor Roosevelt.
In the year 1921, he got struck with polio and spent he rest of his days in a wheelchair. His presidency did wonders for the United states along with the establishment of a leadership stage for the United State in the world during the world war II.
I believe that the first one was it established a direct trade between portugal and india
John Winthrop helped changed the Government of Massachusetts with moderation. Massachusetts was a very conservative and religious colony at the time. But he was popular because he governed with "modern sensibilities." He fought against very conservative figures as well as very liberal figures in the colony.
They tipped the 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor. Because of this, Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, which were so harsh that they were renamed the Intolerable Acts. The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16, 1773. The Boston Tea Party happened in 3 British ships in the Boston Harbor.