Nenny wants to buy the music box
it is important to connect to the next scenario or anything cause if you dont connect, it's like you'll miss some parts in it.
and if you miss them, you wont be able to understand clearly which keeps that story or whatever incomplete.
hope it helps :)
Franklin d. rosevet said that did u want to know that?
I guess the 3rd pig is a hero because he saved the other pigs.
The wolf learned that brick can't be blown over, and not to mess with the 3rd pig.
The wolf, having instinct of course, will try to get the pig. But, if the pig goes into a brick house, the wolf will stop, because prior, unpleasant knowledge will tell it that bad things will happen.
I think that the first pig actually suffers the most, because his house, and another house he was hiding in were blown down. And because he was being chased the longest.
The money a builder could make on a house built of straw? Not much, seeing as it's built of straw. Or, on the flip side,he could get rich, because the straw would need replacing all the time.