Gas rationing occurred during World War II (1942), in order to help control gasoline usage. The U.S. Office of Price Administration (OPA) rationed gasoline on May 15, 1942 on the east coast, and nationwide that December to assist in the war effort, which had caused massive shortages of gasoline.
Czar Nikolas II was reinstated and Russia was an Parliamentary Monarchy with the Royalist party controlling the Duma.
it excluded all Germans and he planned in advance what he intended.
Seaman, the first historian who was quoted to say that the empire Otto Von Bismark created was not really a unified German empire said that because he believed that the empire excluded all Germans and because of that, it was a faux unified German empire as the unification was planned in advance.
<h2>a, the use of trench warfare</h2>
Trench warfare in World War I meant that the armies dug into trenches to hold their ground. But it proved impossible for them to make any advances against each other. If they would try to mount an attack, venturing into "no man's land" between the trenches, they'd get mowed down by machine gun fire. In addition to bullets and artillery fire, trench warfare also came to involve the use of chemical weapons like mustard gas. Trench warfare in World War I was miserable and gruesome.